What To Place In Your Kid’s Sleepover Bag

By Wright Smiles

When it comes to packing for a trip, you have probably gotten pretty good at figuring out what’s best for your dental hygiene. You are likely pretty good at packing for your child for trips that you take together, as well. However, you might find yourself at an impasse when it’s time to pack your little one’s bag for an overnight stay at a friend’s house. You won’t be there to oversee the process or to share your toothpaste, so what to send with your son or daughter? Rest easy – we have some suggestions.

Travel Toothpaste

Send your little one with a little bag filled with dental hygiene products. To begin, go with a travel size toothpaste for kids. This way, if your son or daughter accidentally leaves it behind, you won’t feel upset about throwing more than about 99 cents out the window! Your child will also likely find this tiny tube special and exciting, making the sleepover more magical.

Travel Toothbrush

The same goes for the toothbrush – seek out an inexpensive or travel toothbrush for the event. As a result, you won’t find that your child returns home without a toothbrush, leaving you in need of an emergency dental hygiene trip to the drugstore.

Dental Floss

Even if you aren’t there to help, you may wish to send a travel floss with your child, so he or she gets the idea that whether one is home or away from home, floss is always just as essential as brushing. (And of course, if your child gets food stuck in his or her teeth, the floss is there just in case).

A Note

Is this your child’s first sleepover? You can always pack a note in the bag telling your child you hope the sleepover is fun!