Suggestions For A Rainy Afternoon

By Wright Smiles

As you just might have noticed, the weather in our area has included some serious rainfall as of late. Unfortunately, this may mean your sunny-day-warm-weather plans have been (and may continue to be) derailed for a while. The good news is that we have some helpful suggestions for things to do on a rainy afternoon if you think your dental hygiene could use a bit of attention. Why not make the most of this weather? You’ll be happy when the sun comes back out that you did!

Plan Out Your Next Visit (Or Visits)

Sit down with your planner, your cell phone, or your calendar and get down to business. Take a moment to figure out the last time we saw you for your preventive visit and figure out the best time for your next appointment – and even the one after that. Give us a call, so we can set up a time and date to help you complete this task.

Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet

Have you been unintentionally collecting old dental hygiene products? Do yourself a quick favor and take a look inside your medicine cabinet. Toss out any old toothbrushes, spent toothpaste tubes, or otherwise. Open up a new toothbrush if it’s time, clean off the top of your current toothpaste, and your next brushing session will feel oh-so-relaxing.

Make Your Bathroom More Functional

Did you purchase a toothbrush holder a while back but it is still sitting in a bag in a cabinet somewhere? Perhaps you keep planning on bringing your clock radio into the bathroom to use as a timer as you brush your teeth, but your dental hygiene plans often take a back seat to other plans. Make use of your rainy day and get the bathroom set up just the way you want it for efficient brushing and flossing.