Seeing The Bigger Picture: Flossing Questions

By Wright Smiles

It’s entirely possible that you’ve been hearing some hubbub about flossing from friends or in the news. If what you’re hearing is dismissive and suggests flossing isn’t as important as we have been telling you, we encourage you to turn that TV set off, close the article on your tablet, or kindly nod and let your friend know that you’ll go ahead and run that info past your dentist. Why? Well, regardless of what those who would like to get out of flossing would like to believe, it is an incredibly important part of your dental hygiene. Allow us to help you understand why by offering a “big picture” perspective.

Questions and Answers

Question: Can choosing to avoid flossing negatively affect me in the short term?

Answer: Yes. When discussing the possible daily ramifications of skipping this dental hygiene step, food and plaque can become stuck between teeth and under your gumline. You may quickly develop tartar (this can happen in 24 short hours!) and your breath may begin to smell not-so-fresh (even after brushing).

Question: What happens over time if I choose not to make flossing part of my dental hygiene sessions?

Answer: As a result of tartar (which only we can remove) that promotes decay and infection (in addition to plaque buildup that may eventually turn into additional tartar), you will be on your way toward cavity development and possibly gingivitis.

Question: Are there additional “big picture” consequences that can come from skipping out on flossing that I’m failing to consider?

Answer: Yes. When these problems associated with skipped dental hygiene steps are given time to progress (which may be the case if you skip a dental checkup and cleaning or two), decay and gum disease can progress into problems like infection and (eventually) tooth loss. Stick to your usual brushing/flossing combo and visits to our practice to protect your oral health.