Quiz: Electric Toothbrushes

By Wright Smiles

Patients with a sudden hankering to try out an electric toothbrush can find themselves perplexed. The idea sounds good and might look quite intriguing, but like many products, this option can seem too wonderful to be true. The fortunate news is that you may indulge this interest of yours and go right ahead! Electric toothbrushes can offer an exceptional addition to the products you use to protect your oral health. As for the details, you are cordially invited to make your way through our toothbrush quiz.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you want an electric toothbrush, we suggest you speak with us first about whether or not this is a good idea.
  2. True or False: Choosing an electric toothbrush is only good for your oral hygiene if you are a younger patient without any history of dental issues or restorative care.
  3. True or False: There are no major advantages to choosing an electric toothbrush when it comes to protecting your oral health.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. An electric brush is a good dental hygiene solution for just about anyone. If you have specific questions about protecting your smile (perhaps you are wearing braces or a bridge) please feel free to bring them up. Otherwise, following the instructions on the package of your toothbrush will provide successful results.
  2. False. An electric option is good for patients of all ages with all types of dental histories. You can protect your oral health with either a manual or electric brush, as both offer the plaque removal necessary for maintaining healthy gums and teeth.
  3. False. There are many advantages! From easier handling and less required effort to the great jump in strokes per second provided by the powered brush, you may find that the benefits are helpful for protecting your smile.