Quiz: Are You Relying Fully On The Internet?

By Wright Smiles

How do you figure out what’s wrong with your tooth when it hurts (or anything else for that matter)? Do you instantly scour through our collection of blogs, check medical sites, and post questions to message boards? While the Internet offers a wealth of information – often-reliable information, such as from our own site – many sites are full of misinformation. In addition, while we provide you with factual details, there’s a whole world of professional knowledge that we can only put to good use if we see you in person. Let’s see if you’re relying too much on the Internet for your oral health with a quick quiz.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: When something isn’t going well with your oral health, such as discomfort, the best thing to do is to try to match up your symptoms to the disorder by using the Internet.
  2. True or False: Our blogs are meant to provide you with straightforward information that can help you make sense of dental care details you may not know much about. However, they don’t replace a visit.
  3. True or False: Using our blog and website for information about dental hygiene can be extremely helpful because it offers reminders that mimic what we will tell you in person.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. It’s okay to try to research your concern but it’s not going to provide you with definitive answers. The best thing to do is to call us, explain what’s going on, and come in for a visit if we suggest one.
  2. True. While you will take in some extremely helpful knowledge that will allow you to learn more about caring for your smile, it’s important to remember that blogs are a supplement – not a replacement – for dental care.
  3. True. When your oral health is in good shape but you’re just looking to brush up on technique and approach ideas, using us as an online resource is a great choice. Just remember – we are always happy to schedule a visit with you if you have additional questions.