Oral Health: Myths Or Facts?

By Wright Smiles

Are you tired of feeling torn between believing something your friend is whispering in your ear about your oral health – and assuming these tidbits are simply rumors? The good news is that you have an easy way to get a final answer: You may ask us! When these types of questions come up, we suggest keeping a list that you can reference during your next visit, so we can clear things up for you. For the present moment, we invite you to look over some common myths (and the facts that accompany them).

Myths and Facts

Myth: In order to make sure your toothbrush is safe for you to use, you need to soak it in hydrogen peroxide after each use. Otherwise, bacteria may become too plentiful.

Fact: You don’t need to do anything in particular to attempt to sanitize your toothbrush. Your oral health will remain just fine as long as you rinse the toothbrush after you use it (lukewarm water is effective).

Myth: You don’t need dental cleanings unless you take bad care of your oral health at home.

Fact: Everyone needs cleanings. Whether you’re taking very good care of your smile on your own with brushing and flossing – or if you could be doing a better job – we expect to see you every six months. However, we might recommend additional visits if you develop periodontal problems.

Myth: Harder bristles are better for cleaning your smile because they remove more plaque.

Fact: Unfortunately, if you believe this myth, those firm “hard” or “medium” bristles may slowly remove some of your enamel and damage your gums. The best choice for thorough cleaning and oral health protection is soft bristles and soft bristles only.