How To Enjoy National Pancake Day

By Wright Smiles

Did you know that National Pancake Day is celebrated during this month? It’s true! This national day of chowing down on pancakes couldn’t be more perfect, considering the weather is turning cozy and flapjacks are quite the warm, delicious comfort food we love when the temps turn cold. Actually, this day could be more perfect, if only eating sugary, carby foods wasn’t bad for your oral health. Don’t worry! Before September 26th arrives, we’ll have you ready to indulge, while keeping your smile safe and sound.

Skip The Cocoa And Coffee

So, you’re participating in National Pancake Day, which means everything on your plate is likely something that contributes to tooth decay and additional oral health concerns. You’ve got your pancakes, your sweet syrup, and maybe even a bit of fruit topping. To help rinse away those sugars and carbs while you eat, you might want to skip the cocoa (very sugary) or coffee (highly acidic) and stick with water.

Prepare Your Post-Meal Dental Hygiene

While diving into a short-stack is not necessarily something you usually pair with thoughts of toothbrushes and toothpaste, it’s a good idea to start thinking this way to protect your oral health. Here’s what you should do (it’s very simple): Drink water after you eat (or rinse your mouth with water if you have the option). Then, plan to return home or to visit a nearby sink within 30 minutes. Brush the pancake residue off of your smile and you’re in the clear. See? Simple!