Time To Learn About Digital X-Rays

By Wright Smiles

On some visits, your dentist may use X-rays to see beneath the surface in your mouth. Digital X-ray technology has made the process fast and safe. Your dentists can take X-rays from several angles: occlusal X-rays show how upper and lower teeth fit together. Panoramic X-rays show the whole mouth. Periapical X-rays show an entire tooth and nearby jawbone. Here is a quick overview of digital X-rays. We are happy to answer your digital X-ray questions at any office visit appointment.

Digital X-rays are Safer than Ever

All X-rays expose you to some radiation, but the amount from digital X-rays is significantly less than from traditional film x-rays. We use digital X-rays only as often as necessary. They are a valuable diagnostic tool for early cavity detection, and to look at the tooth and bone structures in your mouth.

Digital X-rays Can Be Shared and Stored Electronically

A child’s orthodontist might request copies of X-rays when planning corrective treatment to align crooked teeth. Insurance companies might request X-rays when paying for treatment. When you move to a different city or state, electronic dental records can easily follow you. Dental X-rays can also help when determining the fit of a crown, or the placement of a dental implant.

Are Digital X-rays Covered by Insurance?

Digital X-rays, as a preventive and diagnostic service, are almost always covered by dental insurance. Insurance companies know what we know: That it is much easier to help you keep your mouth and teeth healthy than to treat a problem. When a problem does develop, digital X-rays help us catch it early, and provide treatment. We would rather treat a small cavity at the earliest stages, rather than wait until it is large enough to cause you daily discomfort. If you have questions about your copay amounts or your insurance coverage, please check with our office staff by phone or at any appointment.