A New Smile with Dental Implants

By Wright Smiles

The beauty of dental implants is that they are designed to mimic your natural teeth in more ways than were ever before possible. Unlike conventional dental bridges and dentures, dental implants provide a rooted support system to not just restore your smile’s appearance, but also to rebuild the full function of your bite. Fortunately, your dental implants will resemble your natural, healthy teeth in more than just construct, but also in the simple way you can keep them clean and your smile healthy.

The Science of Dental Implants

A natural, healthy tooth stands alone, supported by its root and by the closeness of the teeth around it. Because replacing a lost root is challenging (since the root rests in the jawbone), conventional replacement teeth rely on innovative solutions to get around the lost root. Dentures are shaped to fit along your dental ridge, while a dental bridge is held up by crowns that are secured to the teeth adjacent to your smile’s gap.

Dental implants, however, offer a more realistic solution by replacing the actual root itself. Made from titanium, the root-like implant post is inserted into the jawbone. As the bone and periodontal tissues heal around the implant, it becomes a part of your jawbone’s anatomy, like a biological tooth root. Finally, a dental crown, partial, or complete denture can be attached to the implant(s) to complete your dental implant restoration.

An Uncanny Resemblance to Natural Teeth

The benefits of mimicking biological teeth with biocompatible implants not only include improved support and stability when you bite and chew, but also significantly easier maintenance. Brush and floss your teeth and implant restoration twice or more every day, taking care to use a minimally-abrasive toothpaste to avoid scratching or damage the restoration. Also, visit our office as often as recommended for routine examinations and cleanings to ensure your new teeth, and your overall dental health, remain in good shape.


As a native Texan, Gregory Wright, DDS, opened his private practice in Southlake, TX in 1992. He and Dr. Victoria Heron are happily accepting new patients from Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Trophy Club, Colleyville, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.