3 Things To Do On Your Way In For A Visit

By Wright Smiles

When you’re headed in to meet with our Southlake, TX team for a dental visit, you may not realize that the little journey you take between leaving your home and arriving at our practice can actually be quite significant! The steps you take can prepare you for a relaxing experience, during which you feel optimistic about smile care. Or, they can cause you some stress and tension. If you prefer the former, we would love to let you in on a few exceptionally easy things to do to make for a lovely time.

#1: Bring Everything You Need (Check Twice)

When it’s time for your dental visit, you want things to be nice and easy. So, make sure you leave your home as prepared as possible. Once you’re in your car, double check to ensure you have what you need. Worried you’ll forget something? Write out a list the night or morning before you see us, so you are certain you have anything you might require, from a payment option to your ID, your insurance card, etc.

#2: Listen To Some Happy Or Relaxing Tunes

Music therapy exists for a reason! It’s because listening to music that you love, that makes you smile, that helps you feel nice and calm, etc. is a very real thing and can have a strong impact on your emotions. Consider the type of tunes that make you nervous, excited, charged up, relaxed, and more. Select those that will help you feel wonderful by the time you reach our practice for your dental visit!

#3: Redirect Your Thoughts!

If you tend to feel a little bit anxious about dental visits, we remind you that your thoughts are actually extremely powerful and can help you feel more relaxed as you head over. Or, they can make you feel more nervous. Here’s what you should do: If you start having any negative or unpleasant thoughts, redirect! You can do this is one of two ways. First, you can simply recall all of the good things about smile care and really allow yourself to conjure up the associated emotions. Or, you can just remind yourself to think about something else (something good, of course) that puts a smile on your face and puts you at ease. Remember: Once you reach us, we will help you feel calm, relaxed, and comfortable.

Arrive At Your Visit Feeling Relaxed

Strive to prepare yourself for a relaxing and enjoyable dental visit by considering some very simple advice from our dental care team. Need a little bit more help? Just let us know how you’re feeling when you arrive! Schedule care with your Southlake, TX dentist today by calling Gregory Wright, DDS at (817) 481-7999. We gladly serve patients from Southlake and surrounding areas.