Why You Need Root Canal Treatment

By Wright Smiles

You may think that the only reason we suggest root canal treatment to improve your oral health is for a severe cavity. However, this restorative procedure is actually applicable to a variety of concerns. Understanding why we have suggested a root canal for your tooth is much easier once you learn more about the structure of your tooth – and once you become familiar with dental pulp. Keep in mind that our priority is always to save your natural tooth, which is exactly what a root canal does. Rather than resorting to a tooth extraction, we often rescue your tooth while protecting the rest of your smile. Ready to learn more, so you feel empowered and optimistic about improving your oral health? Take a look at the following:

About Your Tooth’s Roots

Your tooth does not only include the portion that you see that sits above your gumline – it also includes an interior chamber and hollow canals (your root canals) that extend all the way down to your jawbone. Lining the inside of your tooth is dental pulp, tissue that houses blood vessels and nerves. This living tissue keeps your tooth alive and healthy. Unfortunately, when damage occurs to your dental pulp or exposes it to bacterial invasion, your tooth is at high risk of infection or death. Damage may occur as the result of a severe cavity that allows bacteria to enter your tooth, a deep crack, or an existing infection.

How A Root Canal Treatment Helps

During a root canal treatment, after numbing your tooth and the surrounding area, we will remove the dental pulp. Your pulp will not heal on its own – nor will a damaged tooth. Fortunately, we can remove any existing decayed tissue, address an infection, and repair your tooth, so you do not need to worry about losing it. After removing the pulp, we will seal your tooth and then fill it. Treatment is usually followed by a dental crown, so you can expect the complete restoration of your previously high-risk tooth.


As a native Texan, Gregory Wright, DDS, opened his private practice in Southlake, TX in 1992. He and Dr. Victoria Heron are happily accepting new patients from Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Trophy Club, Colleyville, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.