Using A Gum Contouring Procedure To Reveal A Better Smile

By Wright Smiles

While the desire for a quality smile is practically universal, many different issues leave many different people concerned about the condition and appearance of their teeth. If you have teeth that seem too short, or if you worry that your smile seems lopsided, the problem may actually be with your gum tissues. At our Southlake, TX dental practice, we can help you see improvements through laser gum contouring. Gum contouring work is helpful when bulky or excessive gum tissues create problems for your smile by covering up too much of your teeth, or creating an imbalance because of uneven tissues. After a careful evaluation, we can move forward with a cosmetic dental procedure that gives you an improved smile you are eager to start showing off!

How Does Gum Contouring Treatment Lead To Smile Improvements?

If your concern is with your smile’s appearance, it may seem odd to talk about your gums. What you might fail to realize is that the bulkiness of your gums may be responsible for your teeth appearing short of squat. In order to create length, we can carefully trim away excess tissues in order to reveal more of your enamel. Gum contouring is also helpful when tissues seem bulky or awkward, and draw unwanted attention. By smoothing their appearance, we can give you a more attractive smile.

Scheduling A Gum Contouring Procedure? Here’s What You Can Expect

Our practice uses a special soft tissue laser to take care of your gums. Relying on lasers instead of manual tools ensures that the work performed is more accurate. Lasers also limit bleeding, and make shorter treatment times possible. If you feel that your have a “gummy” smile, or that your teeth are shorter than they should be, your dentist will gently trim away those excess tissues that have made you unhappy with the way you look. The goal will be to reduce bulky or otherwise distracting areas, and to restore the shape of your gum line in order to keep it even and attractive.

Should I Follow Gum Contouring With Work On My Teeth?

For many people, a gum contouring procedure is the answer to all of their smile concerns. However, you might be concerned that you require more than just this treatment to address all of your issues with the way you look. Following a gum contouring procedure with teeth whitening treatment can help you show off a noticeably bright smile, as well as a smile that is more symmetrical. If you have issues with the shape of certain teeth, or if they appear to be in poor condition because of wear and tear, restoring them with porcelain veneers can help you show off remarkable changes to the way you look.

Our Southlake, TX Dental Practice Can Help You Show Off Your Best Smile

At our Southlake, TX dental practice, you can count on expert support in a modern and friendly environment. Through laser gum contouring, we can help you see remarkable changes to the way you look while making your treatment experience surprisingly comfortable! If you wish to find out more, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.