Tips: Making Children’s Dentistry Fun

By Wright Smiles

If you have ever witnessed a child crying in response to a tooth brushing session, you know first hand that it’s important to find a way to make dental care at home a positive, fun event. However, you may feel a bit stressed at the idea of coming up with good ideas and putting them in place. Fortunately, making children’s dentistry fun is not as challenging as you may think. In addition to scheduling visits with us, your family dental practice, there are some simple tips you can follow to ensure that your daily routine with your son or daughter is successful and enjoyable.

Tip #1: Involve Your Child

Giving your child a say in choosing products and participating in tooth brushing and flossing time can help him or her feel a bit more like a grown up – and with grown up choices comes the pride of practicing grown-up responsibilities. Rather than making daily hygiene feel like a chore that you are demanding, involving your child makes it feel more like an enjoyable, shared experience that you are doing together.

Tip #2: Say, “Yes” To Child-Themed Products

You have probably become quite familiar with the children’s portion of the dental hygiene aisle at your local drugstore. When choosing products, it’s a good idea to surprise your child with something he or she loves – or, allow your little one to take part in the decision making process. Choosing a toothbrush with a special character or color and toothpaste that tastes delicious to children are excellent ways to make children’s dentistry fun.

Tip #3: Pass The Time With Music

It’s important that you and your little one brush for around two minutes, twice a day. Pass the time by making it into a fun game or by playing a beloved song in the background and timing yourself with music – rather than a timer.