Smart Smile Tips For Parents And Kids To Follow

By Wright Smiles

A person’s smile is important at every age, and your teeth always deserve quality care. At our Southlake, TX dental practice, we are proud to provide important oral health support for adults and kids alike. For kids, education and instructions about good dental care can be valuable, even as we provide traditional examinations and cleanings to protect their teeth. As people grow up, they can become more comfortable practicing smile-friendly habits. With that said, you should still continue to schedule regular dental checkups, and pay close attention to the quality of your smile. Without a good oral care routine in place, you can find yourself dealing with problems that require restorative dental work.

Be Careful About Your Snack Choices

  • Parents should be mindful of what they snack on at work during breaks, or while they are on the road for errands. While you may take care to limit your exposure to harmful foods and drinks at planned meals, the “occasional” trip to the vending machine at work can expose you to more sugar than you realize, and that can lead to cavity problems. You should also be mindful of what you drink, as beverages like coffee and tea can lead to stains that call for professional whitening treatment.
  • Kids tend to be less clear on the importance of limiting sugar in their daily diet. Be smart about the snacks and meals you pack for them when they are at school, and take care to provide healthy meals at home.

Stay Consistent With Brushing And Flossing Each Day

  • Parents can lead busy lives, and you may be guilty of rushing through your oral care routine from time to time. If you are guilty of this, you can become vulnerable to a buildup of tartar, which can result in cavities and gum disease! Spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth twice a day, and make sure you are flossing on a daily basis.
  • Kids can benefit from some practice with good brushing and flossing, particularly when they just begin these habits on their own. Your dentist can offer them tips during routine pediatric dental appointments, but you should also feel comfortable dropping in on them to see how thorough their brushing and flossing habits are.

Make Sure You Attend Regular Dental Exams

  • Parents should make sure they keep up with regular dental exams over time. If a cavity forms, it can worsen until your tooth aches, and requires more involved care. Because our office is ready to take care of your family, you can schedule your own appointments when you book visits for your kids!
  • Kids receive helpful instructions about daily oral care at checkups, and also receive preventive care that all patients benefit from. Your dentist can also monitor their growth, and warn you about problems that might need to be addressed.

Our Southlake, TX Dental Office Offers Great Care For Families

Dr. Wright, Dr. Heron, and our team are proud to provide quality dental care to people in and around the Southlake area! To learn how we can help your family maintain great smiles, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.