Root Canal Treatment: Separating Fact From Fiction

By Wright Smiles

The treatment that has grown to become a not-so-loved celebrity in the field of dentistry is the root canal. Surrounded by an ever-growing cloud of rumors that cause patients to feel worried about this exceptional restorative treatment (rather than relieved or excited), this service gets a bad wrap. We are here to help you separate fact from fiction regarding root canal treatment. Why? Well, if your tooth is infected or severely inflamed, a root canal is your saving grace. By becoming familiar with the truth, you will find it’s actually a really wonderful solution.

Fiction: Your tooth will look grey after the treatment because it is no longer living. However, you will still get to use your tooth.

Fact: Your tooth will no longer be alive, this is true. However, we will not leave you with a weak, unsightly tooth in your mouth. The goal is to allow you to keep your tooth, so you can use it for full function and beauty. In most cases, we will cover the treated tooth with a beautiful porcelain crown, customized to blend with the color and other esthetic qualities of your smile.

Fiction: Since your immune system allows you to clear certain types of infections, neglecting your root canal treatment will just mean that your body will work harder to address the problem.

Fact: You need treatment because your system cannot clear the infection or heal your dental pulp. If you wait too long, the infection may eventually abscess, spread to surrounding structures, or may even enter your blood stream. These are serious concerns, which is why it’s important to act with urgency in scheduling your restorative treatment.

Fiction: Root canal treatments are very uncomfortable, which is why most people are worried about scheduling them.

Fact: Root canals are extremely comfortable. They last longer than a typical dental filling, so you may find yourself staring at our smiling faces for an extended period of time. However, we will numb your tissues with local anesthetic and may provide you with sedation if you request it. You can expect a relaxing procedure.