Resolve To Replace Teeth In 2016

By Wright Smiles

A wonderful resolution to make for the New Year follows: Resolve to replace missing teeth with a dental bridges or another dental prosthetic. While you may not recognize how important it is to repair your smile after tooth loss, the decision is actually quite significant. Allow us to provide you with an explanation regarding what makes a complete smile so important to your life and your options for approaching this seemingly huge task.

Why You Should

Patients often find themselves stumped as they attempt to come up with enough reasons to restore their smiles. Sure, a full smile is cosmetically sound and pleasing to look at – but are there other reasons to replace teeth? In fact, there are the following:

  • Addressing tooth loss will improve your ability to keep your smile nice and clean, so you can avoid problems like physical damage, tooth decay, and gum disease.
  • Replacing missing teeth will protect your natural teeth from shifting into a misaligned configuration.
  • Replacing teeth will improve articulate speaking and successful chewing.

How to Complete Your Smile

Fortunately figuring out how to replace your missing teeth is simple when you begin by scheduling a consultation to speak with our team. By examining your smile and learning more about your hopes for the future of your grin, we can begin planning. We offer a variety of tooth loss solutions, including the following:

  • Dental Bridges: Fixed prosthetics that replace one tooth or up to three teeth missing in a row
  • Dental Implants: A titanium post will replace your roots through its surgical placement within your jawbone. We will complete the replacement with a dental crown.
  • Implant Dentures: Implant-supported full or partial dentures.