Quiz: Is A Bridge Right For You?

By Wright Smiles

As you make your way through the long list of tooth replacement options available to help you deal with your tooth loss, you may find yourself gravitating toward the benefits of dental bridges. While on the surface level, they may immediately seem like a dream come true, it is important to recognize that you may – or may not – qualify for this treatment. The good news: We will find a solution that completes your smile according to your preferences. For now, to find out more about bridge candidacy, take a fun little quiz.

Dental Bridge Quiz: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you want a dental bridge, you have to first receive dental implants to support the device.
  2. True or False: If you are looking for a long-term tooth replacement device, we do not suggest a bridge – it tends to last a year or so before requiring replacement.
  3. True or False: If you want a bridge, you may only select the device if you are missing up to three teeth in a row.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. While implant-retained bridges are an option, you will not need to worry about implants. A dental bridge is traditionally placed over the natural teeth that continue to live in your smile.
  2. False. A bridge is a wonderful long-term solution. In addition to lasting approximately 15 years or so, it is fixed (which means you simply leave it in place as it is bonded to your teeth).
  3. True. You can choose a bridge to replace a single tooth, two teeth side-by-side, or three teeth in a row – no more. You cannot choose a bridge for missing teeth separated by remaining teeth.