Questions About Implants Over The Holidays

By Wright Smiles

Are you a little bit excited and also a bit worried about your dental implants and how they will fare over the holiday season? The good news is that they will perform wonderfully, so you are right to be excited! As for those little concerns that pop up in your mind, we have some helpful advice.

Questions and Answers: Implants

Question: Is there anything I need to beware of now that I have dental implants? I know they are very similar to my natural teeth but I don’t want anything to go wrong!

Answer: In general, you are in good shape. We simply suggest that if there’s food that’s difficult to eat, it’s not worth potentially breaking your restoration or your natural tooth. Skip super hard, sticky, and chewy selections. Otherwise, you can expect amazing stability from your smile.

Question: Is it really that important that I brush and floss every day like I used to now that some of my teeth are artificial? I keep wondering if I can just relax over the holidays without worrying so much about dental hygiene.

Answer: It is always essential, even if you have artificial teeth. Plaque will always coat your smile, so you will always need to practice consistent brushing and flossing. Otherwise, inflammation will occur (that can lead to implant failure).

Question: Is it strange to talk with people I trust about my dental implants? What if someone asks?

Answer: While it might not be the best fodder for meal time (not everyone wants to discuss oral health at the table), it’s wonderful to discuss your happiness about your complete smile with interested individuals who ask. Talking with others about your experience (and even about our team) can help friends or loved ones who are curious about replacing their own teeth.