Oral Health: Do You Need Serious Help?

By Wright Smiles

Are you afraid to pick up the phone to call us because you need serious help with your oral health? What exactly is keeping you from scheduling a visit with us? Unfortunately, we commonly find that many patients go through a series of emotions and concerns that prevent them from coming in for the restorative care treatments (and even preventive care) they need. Let’s examine why you’re feeling so resistant – and what we can do to help you – so you can feel confident that the future of your smile is bright.

What You Should Realize

The primary reasons we find that patients are nervous about contacting us to improve their oral health follow: Patients are embarrassed by the state of their smiles and they are worried that care is going to be uncomfortable. Consider the following great news:

  • We are always happy to see you. One of the reasons we offer extensive restorative care is because our mission is to offer comprehensive care, which may include extensive work to repair a patient’s smile. There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about – you should only feel optimistic about the future
  • We offer a compassionate approach, as well as nitrous oxide. You can rest assured that we will make your treatment plan as efficient and comfortable as possible.

About Our Restorative Care

Do you think your needs are complex? No problem, we offer a full selection of restorative treatments to improve your oral health, including tooth replacement, white fillings, lifelike crowns, implants, and extractions. Fortunately, we also offer prevention to maintain your restored smile and cosmetic care if you need any esthetic issues improved.