Nitrous Oxide: Questions You’ve Been Too Shy To Ask

By Wright Smiles

When you’re someone who tends to have a lot of questions about just about everything, deciding on nitrous oxide will certainly bring up a lot of inquiries. How does it work, you may wonder? What’s the process like? What’s the entire experience going to be like? Is it really going to be relaxing or is it more complicated than it’s worth to choose sedation? Fortunately, the entire process of receiving laughing gas is actually quite simple (and yes, you will enjoy a tranquil visit). For the particulars you’re hoping to discover, go ahead and guide yourself through our Q&A session.

Questions and Answers

Question: What happens if the nitrous oxide suddenly wears off? Am I going to stop feeling relaxed?

Answer: Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about this. You will receive a steady stream of sedation that we can customize throughout the procedure, since we provide the sedative through a mask. You will remain relaxed and comfortable the entire time.

Question: How are you going to be able to perform the entire procedure if I’m wearing a mask? Will it get in the way?

Answer: Nope, it won’t be a problem at all. It’s a mask that we place just over your nose. As a result, it doesn’t get in the way of your mouth or of our ability to navigate around your smile.

Question: Sometimes I can feel a little bit claustrophobic. Is the mask going to make me feel closed in?

Answer: No. The mask is modern and small, so you will hardly notice it. You’ll breathe as you normally do, while the nitrous oxide instantly helps you feel relaxed.