Is Valentine’s Day Candy Bad for Your Teeth?

By Wright Smiles

Heart-shaped boxes of candy can be found on nearly every store shelf. But is Valentine’s Day candy bad for your teeth? Some candy can be tough on your teeth, but not all candy is the same! Here’s what you need to know to enjoy the holiday without compromising your dental health!

Why is Candy Bad for Your Teeth?

People often mention not wanting to eat too much candy because it could cause cavities. Is that really true? The short answer is yes, but not always! Let’s talk about why candy can be bad for your teeth.

Candy typically contains a lot of sugar. When sugar comes into contact with your saliva, it feeds the naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth, which produces acid. The resulting acid can be harmful to your dental enamel or the hard, protective outer layer of your teeth.

If sugar is in contact with your teeth very often or for prolonged periods of time, it can erode your enamel to the point that a small hole forms, which is what we call a cavity.

Better Candy Options

Now that we’ve answered the question, “Is Valentine’s Day candy bad for your teeth?” you’re probably wondering what options you have. The good news is you have lots of options! That’s because not all candy is bad for your teeth!

When shopping for candy, look for sugar-free candies. These typically contain alternative sweeteners so you can enjoy the sweetness of Valentine’s Day candy without worrying about it negatively impacting your dental health.

If you prefer regular sugar, try to find candy that isn’t sticky or chewy so that it won’t leave behind a sugary residue on your teeth. Chocolate is an excellent choice, especially dark chocolate because it melts in your mouth and easily washes away.

Ask Your Dentist!

If you have more questions like, “Is Valentine’s Day candy bad for your teeth?” don’t be afraid to ask your dentist! Your dentist will be happy to give tips on keeping your teeth healthy without sacrificing the sweetness of your favorite Valentine’s Day traditions.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.