Is It Time To Say Hello To Implant Dentures?

By Wright Smiles

How much do you know about implant dentures? Are you shrugging your shoulders and shaking your head because it sounds familiar but you actually don’t know anything at all? If you are someone who is either new to prosthetic dental care or you are very familiar with it (because tooth loss impacted you long ago), good news: This is something that anyone interested in replacing missing teeth may wish to consider. So, take just a moment from your day to explore this often beloved solution with our Southlake, TX team. It just might be the path that will help you enjoy a complete and stable smile!

If You Want Your Dentures … But Better

So, what do you do if you have been wearing full dentures and you really like them? Maybe you have a partial denture and you love it. Well, you mostly love your prosthetic. However, what you wish is that you could keep your current type of tooth replacement but just make it a bit better by improving stability. The good news is that you can definitely transition from your current, traditionally supported denture to one that is supported by dental implants (ahem, this is what an implant denture is!). It lets you enjoy the best of both worlds, so to speak.

If You Are Just Experiencing Complete Tooth Loss

Brand new to the world of tooth loss? When you’ve lost multiple teeth or you need to replace a full arch of teeth, it can feel very confusing as you begin. Should you rely on the quick and effective route of traditionally supported dentures? Maybe a bridge is a wise solution. The truth is, the answer is different for everyone! The reason we encourage you to say hello to implant dentures as an option is because you can look forward to all of the beauty, stability, and longevity associated with dental implants, while you replace multiple teeth with a larger prosthetic (when compared with replacing one tooth at a time with an implant and crown).

If You’ve Been Curious But Don’t Know Much

Are you curious about implant dentures? Maybe you don’t know much about implants and restorations in general. If not, then it’s always worth investigating by seeing us. If you’re missing multiple teeth, even if you are already relying on a traditional prosthetic, knowing about all that you have access to for your smile is always to your benefit, so learn more!

See Us For Implant Denture Knowledge

Remember that you may schedule a denture consultation with our team, so you may simply come in to explore the world of implant dentures, as you learn more about them and whether they may work for you! Schedule care with your Southlake, TX dentist today by calling Gregory Wright, DDS at (817) 481-7999. We gladly serve patients from Southlake and surrounding areas.