Good Reasons To Request Nitrous Oxide

By Wright Smiles

Many patients immediately know that they want nitrous oxide for a relaxing dental visit. However, what many patients do not know with such clarity is whether they qualify for sedation dentistry. The good news is that laughing gas is extremely safe and gentle, which makes it an appropriate sedation option for many different types of needs and people. In fact, it’s even considered safe for children. For a better grasp regarding candidacy, become familiar with some good reasons to suggest sedation (Hint: Most patient concerns qualify).

You Gag During Dental Care

Some patients gag in nearly any scenario when it comes to dental care. This can become problematic for everyone involved. We want you to have wonderful, comfortable experience, whether you’re seeing us for a cleaning or something more complicated. You may make a wonderful candidate for sedation.

You Need A Lot Of Treatment Completed

Did you schedule a solid block of treatment during a single day or over the course of several days? Even patients who do not feel agitated by the idea of receiving care can become a bit worried about the slow passing of time that can occur while we work on your smile. If you’d like to feel so relaxed that time seems to float by, you may think of suggesting nitrous oxide.

You Are Extremely Nervous

Are you one of millions of patients who doesn’t even like saying the word “dentist” because of the immediate panic that comes over you? If dental anxiety is a serious issue for you, allow us to alleviate your stress with nitrous oxide.

You Are A Little Bit Nervous

Thought you had to feel overwhelmed at the idea of a visit to qualify? Not at all. If you feel nervous and worry about being able to relax during your appointment, let us know. Laughing gas is wonderful for calming those butterflies in your stomach.