Does Your Jaw Feel Tired?

By Wright Smiles

If you are noticing that your jaw feels tired – as in, chewing or speaking is starting to feel like a chore – it’s time to schedule a dental visit with us. It’s possible that you have been overworking your jaws to the extent that a bit of an oral health problem has arisen. Don’t worry – the sooner you come in, the sooner we can figure out what’s happening and offer treatment. In many instances, treatment will alleviate symptoms and protect you from possible damage. Learn more!

Your Jaw And Oral Health Concerns

When your jaw feels tired it can mean you’re moving your mouth too much – to a significant degree – or that an underlying issue is already causing a problem. Here’s what might be going on:

  • Bruxism: This is an oral health disorder that can cause your jaw to feel tired because you are moving your teeth back and forth against one another (grinding) or pressing them together (clenching). Bruxism is an involuntary habit, which means you do it a lot but probably aren’t aware of it.
  • TMJ Disorder: This is a problem that can cause your jaw to feel tired because your jaw is already injured, under too much pressure, or having other problems. The more stress it incurs, the more exhausted (and often uncomfortable) it becomes. TMJ disorder (your TMJ is your jaw joint) means the joints are not functioning correctly.

What We Can Do

We will begin by inspecting your oral health with a comprehensive examination (this may include digital X-rays). Once we determine the cause, we will likely suggest you receive oral appliance therapy. By wearing a special mouth guard while you sleep, your jaw will have time to rest. Therapy may also address issues with bruxism, so added stress is not placed on your jaw.