Do I Need A Dental Filling?

By Wright Smiles

Are you already aware of the fact that a dental filling addresses a cavity – but you are not quite so certain about how you’re supposed to know if you are suffering from tooth decay? The good news is that as long as you follow our recommendations for preventive care, you can leave the diagnoses up to us. Your twice-annual dental checkups will ensure we keep your oral health in excellent condition, even if tooth decay occurs. Consider some additional, clarifying information.

Do You Need A Filling?

Determining whether you need a dental filling for your tooth is something you may be able to guess at – for instance, if you have a toothache, it may be a sign of tooth decay. However, making the final determination regarding whether you need a filling or other restorative treatments is something that will require our professional assistance.

By looking at your tooth and taking digital X-rays, we will offer you a final diagnosis. In general, we suggest you schedule preventive visits with us once every six months, so we may discover decay early. Or, if something feels wrong, schedule an exam. The sooner we stop tooth decay, the easier it is to avoid complications like an infected tooth.

What You Can Expect

We will begin by numbing your tooth – in addition to local anesthetic, we may suggest nitrous oxide if the idea of a dental filling causes you anxiety. This very common procedure will require a single visit. After removing the tissue that has decayed within the small hole in your tooth, we will fill the opening with a tooth-colored material called composite. We will ensure the shade blends with your own tissue, so your tooth is restored both in health and beauty.