Dental Bridges: Important Facts

By Wright Smiles

Are you finding that you’re becoming more and more curious about dental bridges in your search for the best way to address tooth loss? The good news is that a bridge is often a wonderful option for patients looking for a long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. However, you may quickly discover that the details from one tooth replacement solution to the next can become confusing! Rather than allow yourself to feel mixed up, we encourage you to focus on one treatment at a time. Today, we discuss some very helpful details of bridges!

They’re Fixed

It’s always important to determine whether the prosthetic device you’re considering is fixed or removable. A fixed option is one that will stay put all day, every day, unlike a denture that you may take out of your mouth throughout the day. A dental bridge, as you may have guessed, is fixed, as we will bond it to your teeth. It will become part of your newly complete smile, performing the function of your missing teeth 24/7.

They Replace Up To Three Teeth

Another very significant aspect of dental bridges is the fact that they cannot replace just any number of missing teeth (or configuration). Instead, they are meant to replace a single tooth surrounded by remaining natural teeth. Or, they can replace up to three teeth (only in a row) that are surrounded by remaining natural teeth.

They Weather Daily Wear Well

You’ll be pleased to learn that a dental bridge can stand the test of time (and daily wear) well. Assuming you don’t eat anything that might break a crown or tooth and that you remember your preventive care, your bridge can remain in excellent condition for many years (often 10 years or so).