Your Family Dentist Can Help You Maintain Your Clean Smile

By Wright Smiles

At least two times each day, you should spend time actively taking care of your smile by brushing your teeth. Good brushing habits, along with a consistent flossing routine, are effective at fighting the formation of plaque and tartar because they keep oral bacteria from gathering. While these measures definitely matter for your overall smile health, there are other actions you should be taking to protect yourself from problems like tooth decay and gum disease. You should be smart about what you eat in order to limit your consumption of sugary products, and you should be consistent about attending regular dental exams. At our Southlake, TX dentist’s office, we are proud to provide important preventive services to patients of all ages!

How Important Are Professional Dental Cleanings?

Professional teeth cleanings occur during routine dental appointments. Your hygienist carefully studies your smile while taking care to remove any deposits of plaque or tartar that might be present, with care taken to protect hard-to-reach areas that might be overlooked when you brush and floss. Through these regular sessions, harmful substances are removed before they are able to cause tooth decay, or before they can cause an infection of your periodontal tissues that can lead to gingivitis. You can be less protected without these services, particularly because tartar buildup is not something that you can remove on your own.

Make Sure You Are Protected Against Tartar Buildup

When plaque deposits harden and form tartar, they pose a threat to your oral health that should concern you. This harmful buildup leaves concentrations of oral bacteria in place to attack your enamel and potentially infect your gums. Until you have your next dental cleaning scheduled, there is not a way for you to effectively remove this substance, which can make you more likely to need restorative dental work in the future.

We Help Patients Of All Ages Keep Their Teeth In Good Health

Professional dental cleanings are an important part of preventive dental care for adults, and they can benefit our younger patients. Once kids are old enough, we can recommend beginning routine cleanings and evaluations as part of their pediatric dental services. This is not the only way that your dentist helps kids protect their teeth against harm. Regular visits also provide us with opportunities to counsel our younger patients on practicing good oral hygiene habits between appointments.

Your Southlake, TX Dentist Can Help You Maintain A Clean And Healthy Smile

At our Southlake, TX dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients take great care of their teeth and gums through preventive appointments. We are able to offer preventive services like regular dental exams and cleanings in addition to fighting active problems through restorative dental procedures.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.