Top 5 Ways to Take Care of Ceramic Crown

Dental Crowns Southlake
By Wright Smiles

Congratulations on your brand new ceramic crown smile! At Wright Smiles, we understand the transformative power of a healthy, beautiful smile. Dental crowns in Southlake, TX, are a fantastic option for restoring damaged or weakened teeth, and with proper care, they can last for well over a decade.

However, just like your natural teeth, dental crowns require a specific care routine to ensure their longevity and optimal function. Here are the top 5 ways to take care of your new ceramic crown smile and keep your Wright Smile shining bright:

1. Brush and Floss Like a Pro

Flossing and brushing are the cornerstones of excellent oral hygiene, and even more crucial when you have dental crowns. Here’s how to elevate your brushing and flossing game for optimal crown care:

  • Brushing: Brush your teeth at least twice daily for two minutes each time. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Gently brush the crown surface, paying close attention to the gumline where plaque and food particles can accumulate.
  • Flossing: Flossing daily is essential to remove plaque and food debris from between your teeth and around the gumline of your crowned tooth. There are various flossing tools available, so find one that works best for you.

2. Mind Your Diet: Farewell Sticky and Hard Treats

While dental crowns are incredibly durable, certain foods can chip, crack, or loosen them. Here’s what to avoid:

  • Hard Foods: Bid farewell to hard candies, ice cubes, nuts, and popcorn kernels. These foods can put excessive pressure on your crown, potentially causing damage. Opt for softer alternatives or cut hard foods into smaller pieces.
  • Sticky Foods: Sticky candies, caramels, and chewy fruits can dislodge your crown or trap bacteria underneath, leading to decay. Enjoy these treats occasionally, but be sure to brush thoroughly afterwards.

3. Break Bad Habits: Protect Your Crown from Unintended Harm

Unconscious habits can unknowingly put your crown at risk. Here’s how to be mindful:

  • Chewing on Non-Food Items: Using your teeth to open packages, bottles, or bite your nails can chip or crack your crown. Find alternative methods or use designated tools for these tasks.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): If you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), a custom-made nightguard from Wright Smiles can protect your crown from the excessive pressure and wear caused by grinding.

4. Regular Dental Checkups are Key

Schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with Wright Smiles, typically every six months. During these visits, your dentist can:

  • Examine your crown: They will check for any signs of wear, chipping, or loose fit. Early detection allows for prompt repair, preventing further complications.
  • Clean your teeth professionally: Professional cleaning removes stubborn plaque and tartar buildup, promoting overall oral health and the longevity of your crown.

5. Don’t Be Shy: Address Concerns Promptly

If you experience any sensitivity, discomfort, or chipping around your crown, don’t hesitate to contact Wright Smiles. Early intervention can prevent minor issues from escalating into more significant problems.

Living the Wright Smile Life with Dental Crowns in Southlake

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure your new ceramic crown smile thrives for years to come. At Wright Smiles, we are committed to providing exceptional dental care in Southlake. Our friendly and experienced team is here to answer your questions and guide you throughout your dental journey. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and discuss how we can help you maintain a healthy, confident smile with your new dental crowns.

Beyond the Top 5

For an extra boost in crown care, consider these additional tips:

  • Use warm water when rinsing your mouth: Avoid using excessively hot water, which can damage the crown material.
  • Consider a crown guard: If you participate in contact sports, a crown guard can provide additional protection.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact your oral health and the longevity of your crown. 

With a little TLC and the expertise of Wright Smiles, your dazzling ceramic crown smile will continue to bring you confidence and joy for many years to come. Want to learn more about dental crowns in Southlake and how Wright Smiles can help you achieve a radiant smile? Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

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