Smooth Out Problems This Holiday

By Wright Smiles

As the holidays approach, are you continually reminded about that super-sharp tooth of yours every time you indulge in a delicious holiday-themed snack? Have you been poring over your smile in the mirror, wishing you could quickly address a few minor flaws before the relatives show up? Good news: We can address minor esthetic concerns with dental contouring and bonding. Not sure what to make of this solution of it will address your needs? Allow us to explain, so you may contact us right away to improve your smile.

Quick Fixes with Dental Contouring

If you’re dealing with a jagged tooth, a sharp or too pointy tooth, a tooth that gently overlaps another, or other issues that require the removal of a minuscule amount of tissue then dental contouring is your treatment. We can quickly and effectively address the aforementioned problems, as well as awkward tooth shape, a tooth longer than the surrounding teeth, and minor texture issues.

Quick Fixes with Dental Bonding

If adding more tooth tissue is what you’re after then you will want to avoid dental contouring, which removes it. Instead, speak with us about dental bonding. We can carefully and artistically place and sculpt a tooth-colored material called composite to the affected area. You can enjoy fixes, such as covered cracks, fixed chips, a lengthened “too short” tooth, filled gaps between teeth, and coverage of stains.

Benefits of Dental Contouring and Bonding

Dental contouring and bonding, though they offer seemingly opposite solutions for your smile, are also quite similar. In addition to primarily addressing minor esthetic concerns, they provide the following:

  • They are extremely budget friendly
  • They usually require just one visit
  • They are comfortable