Regular Teeth Cleanings Help You Maintain Good Oral Health

By Wright Smiles

What do you do each day to protect your smile? If you want to effectively protect yourself against cavities and gum disease, you should have a brushing and flossing routine that gives you confidence. It is also important to maintain a diet that is limited in sugars and starches so that your teeth are exposed to fewer harmful agents. Of course, to feel truly confident in the health of your smile, you should make sure that you have regular dental exams scheduled. Your Southlake, TX dentist’s office is able to provide important preventive services during every routine appointment. Your visit includes a careful review of your smile along with a thorough teeth cleaning. These sessions remove tartar buildup that can form over time, and remain in place despite your brushing and flossing efforts.

A Professional Teeth Cleaning Can Help You Avoid Problems Like Tooth Decay And Gum Disease

While plaque deposits can be cleared away with your daily oral care routine, your toothbrush and floss are not a good match against tartar deposits. With that in mind, you may be unsure of how you can effectively protect yourself against the accumulation of this material. Your daily efforts can be ineffective, but your hygienist can remove tartar buildup during your routine cleanings. This effectively lowers your risk for tooth decay and gum disease, so you are less likely to develop problems that require restorative dental work.

What To Expect From Your Routine Professional Cleaning

Your hygienist will take the time to closely evaluate your teeth for tartar, plaque buildup, and food debris left on teeth. The review and cleaning you receive will be thorough enough to catch and remove harmful agents from even those areas that are difficult to see and reach. The cleaning will take special care to clear away all tartar deposits that threaten your smile. After performing care for your teeth, your hygienist can warn you about areas that have been poorly cleaned, so you can improve your daily habits.

You Also Benefit From Your Dentist’s Review Of Your Smile

By checking on your teeth and gums at every appointment, your dentist can make sure there are no active oral health threats that should worry you. If you do have problems like gum disease or tooth decay, the appropriate treatments can be planned. Catching cavities in their early stages is important, as the matter can be addressed through the placement of a dental filling. A larger cavity can require a dental crown, which affects more of your tooth structure.

Your Southlake, TX Dentist Can Help You Maintain Good Oral Health

At our Southlake, TX dentist’s office, we can help you maintain good oral health through consistent dental exams and cleanings! When scheduled on a regular basis, these appointments help you avoid problems with your smile that can require restorative dental work.

Call our to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.