Quiz: TMJ Disorder Treatment

By Wright Smiles

Do you wonder if you need TMJ disorder treatment? Are you receiving it and you keep up with it for the most part (but you’re worried that maybe you’re not being consistent enough)? Is this a new idea to you and you’re having trouble determining whether it’s time to come in to discuss treatment but you feel like maybe you’re overreacting to jaw discomfort? Let us help you sort through the details with a quick quiz that is sure to get you headed in the right direction.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: When you receive TMJ disorder treatment from us, you can wear the oral appliance when you feel like it. If your jaw hurts, go ahead and wear it. If it feels better, you can ease off for a while.
  2. True or False: If you’re completely unsure about whether you need treatment for your TMJs then the problem is likely not that bad. As a result, you probably don’t need it.
  3. True or False: While treating patients for TMJ problems is something that we do, it’s pretty rare.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. The only way to achieve true protection from damage and to help your TMJs (jaw joints) heal is to remain as consistent as possible with your TMJ disorder treatment. Wear the appliance as we suggest (usually nightly) for effective care.
  2. False. It’s possible that you’re not yet experiencing significant discomfort but that does not mean you don’t need treatment. We encourage you to come in right away, so we can prevent injury rather than waiting for it to happen.
  3. False. It’s quite common that a patient requires treatment for problems with TMJ discomfort. The causes are vast, which means everything from injury to stress can yield issues with your jaw joints.