Questions and Answers: Bruxism

By Wright Smiles

Bruxism is a dental disorder that tends to elude its sufferer. As a result, patients often remain in the dark about what’s happening to their oral health and end up going extended periods of time without bruxism treatment. Fortunately, by keeping up with preventive visits, you can rely on our knowledge and insight, which allow us to uncover this dental disorder quite quickly. However, for individuals who begin to notice something isn’t quite right between their visits – but who are not sure how to connect symptoms with an underlying problem – we suggest you learn the basics (and schedule a visit to see us).

Q&A: Bruxism

Question: Are there any common indicators or symptoms of bruxism that point to a need for treatment?

Answer: Yes. If someone mentions to you that they can hear your bruxism, this is pretty solid indicator. Otherwise, watch for symptoms like an indented pattern around your tongue, worn tooth surfaces, pain in your teeth, discomfort in your face or jaws, and even headaches.

Question: Should I schedule a visit if I think I need bruxism treatment? I’m embarrassed because I’m experiencing discomfort and common symptoms but I am not sure whether I’m grinding or clenching my teeth.

Answer: Yes. Even if you just have a hunch, we suggest you visit us. Either we will discover your smile is perfectly fine – or we will offer treatment to protect it from damage. It’s a win-win.

Question: If I suffer from bruxism, will it definitely lead to severe damage? How do I know if my problem is severe enough for professional bruxism treatment?

Answer: No. Some patients suffer from mild bruxism that may not even require treatment. In other cases, providing treatment will protect you from damage. To find out if you require treatment, schedule an appointment, so we may examine your oral cavity.