How To Achieve A Clean Looking Smile

By Wright Smiles

Are you a bit bummed out to look at yourself in the mirror because your smile just doesn’t look clean? Perhaps you take good care of your teeth and gums at the moment but in the past, you were a little too relaxed about your approach. Or, maybe you brush when you remember but you’re not necessarily deserving of a gold star for your current performance. Whatever the case, with just a couple suggestions, you can achieve a clean smile that reflects good oral health.

Ask About Cosmetic Care

Are you doing a wonderful job with your dental hygiene, so it’s not that your oral health is in question – it just looks like you’re not brushing and flossing? Whether this is the result of natural aging or the fact that you previously weren’t dedicated to preventive care, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is that your smile is healthy and you don’t feel confident in its appearance. To address this issue, so your smile looks well again, speak with us about cosmetic care. From whitening to veneers, we can address staining and esthetic concerns according to your needs.

Get On Track With Hygiene

If you are not taking great care of your smile at the moment, making a change can have a dramatic impact on your oral health. In turn, your smile will look much cleaner and will even feel fresher. Here is what we suggest: If you feel embarrassed or guilty, toss those feelings out the window and focus on improving your hygiene – we will not judge you! Come in for a cleaning and checkup and schedule any required restorative care right away. Then, continue to visit us twice annually and keep up with at-home care, which is super simple: Brush your teeth in the morning, brush them again at night. Floss once a day.