Holiday Time: Fix Chips, Cracks, Color Issues Now!

By Wright Smiles

The holidays are essentially here. You see the twinkling lights and the harvest-hued decorations everywhere you go! As a result, any “I’ll do it tomorrow” feelings you may have had about your smile and taking care of problems like chips, cracks, and color issues might feel much more pressing. Of course, there’s good reason to feel this way! Like everyone else, you’ve got a lot to do, to prepare, and to look forward to. Trying to squeeze your smile care into the mix once holiday time really gets going can feel nearly impossible. Our solution? Plan right now!

Fix Chips Because…

We encourage you to fix chips now because if you don’t, you may end up feeling very unhappy about them over the holidays. You may also find that they become worse! Remember that damage typically yields worse damage over time. Think through the following reasons to call us for your smile care needs right now:

  • You may feel embarrassed by an unsightly chip we can easily fix
  • Your chip may irritate your tongue
  • Your chip may worsen if you bite into something hard

Address Color Problems Because…

Nobody ever feels excited to show off a yellowed smile. Or a dim smile. Or stains. Whatever your particular esthetic conundrum, we can help. Our smile care includes a comprehensive array of cosmetic dentistry solutions that will have you smiling in confidence throughout the holidays.

Treat That Crack Immediately Because…

Don’t mess around with cracks! Once a tooth is cracked, you’re headed toward a larger crack, a tooth that breaks, an infection, pain, or some other complication. Contact us immediately to protect your holidays from a smile emergency!

Treat Your Smile Today In Time For The Holidays

Let us help you get your smile in the condition it needs to be and that you’d like to see in the mirror, so your holidays are fun and relaxing. Schedule care with your Southlake, TX dentist today by calling Gregory Wright, DDS at (817) 481-7999. We gladly serve patients from Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Trophy Club, Colleyville, and surrounding areas.