Choosing Preventive Care Products: FAQs

By Wright Smiles

Have you ever stood in your bathroom, looking at the products that you have piling up in your medicine cabinet? If so, you may wonder to yourself as you reach for your toothbrush and toothpaste if you’ve been buying the right stuff all of these years. Or if, perhaps, you have been using something mediocre or even harmful that is doing anything but helping you safeguard your smile with preventive care. Rest easy – if you have been brushing and flossing, you’re on the right track. However, learning more about your best choices is always beneficial to protecting your teeth and gums.

Questions And Answers: Preventive Care Products

Question: Should I be using a medium- or hard-bristle toothbrush? I keep wondering if the harder the bristles, the more effective the cleaning.

Answer: Nope, you should always choose a toothbrush that has soft bristles. We know it may go against your instincts a bit but it is important to consider the fact that your enamel can become damaged (that’s your tooth’s outermost layer) and your gum tissue is easily irritated. Soft bristles offer wonderful preventive care without damaging your smile.

Question: I never know which toothpaste to buy. Should I get the one that offers the best whitening?

Answer: As for whitening, tartar control, or otherwise, choose these extra details according to your own preferences. When it comes to the important guidelines, consider these details: Avoid anything abrasive. Choose a toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association (look for the ADA seal of approval), choose a fluoridated option, choose a flavor you like, and you’re ready to brush.

Question: How about dental floss? How do I choose?

Answer: Is it approved by the ADA? Good. Everything else (flavor, texture, width) is completely up to you.