Caring for Porcelain Veneers: Q&A Session

By Wright Smiles

Your smile with porcelain veneers will look dramatically improved, whether you’re looking to brighten and whiten the look of your teeth, fill small gaps, alter tooth size, or simply achieve a comprehensive smile makeover. While all of these benefits are certainly a wonderful reason to smile your beautiful smile, you may find yourself feeling unsure about this treatment as you consider the daily details. For instance, what does it take to care for veneers, you may wonder? The good news is that keeping your smile in excellent condition is not difficult. For specific answers to your inquiries, we invite you to take a look at the following Q&A session:

Maintaining Porcelain Veneers: Q&A

Question: How long will my veneers last?

Answer: The better you care for your veneers, the greater the likelihood that they will continue to look beautiful. In general, porcelain veneers tend to last for approximately 10 years. If your veneers become worn or damaged, you may simply replace them.

Question: How can I protect my veneers from becoming stained?

Answer: You have a variety of options. Your veneers will resist staining but you may still need to make some minor efforts. First, you should rinse your teeth after meals and then brush them 30 minutes later to remove potential staining agents. You may also wish to limit your intake of staining foods (like coffee or tea) if you are extremely concerned about discoloration.

Question: Do I need to do something special to keep them clean and in excellent condition?

Answer: Not really. You will need to care for your smile according to the guidelines recommended for natural teeth. Use nonabrasive products (including toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush) to brush your teeth twice a day. Floss once a day.

Question: How can I protect my veneers from damage?

Answer: Your veneers are durable but they can still experience damage. Your best bet in protecting their structure is avoiding chewing on extremely hard things – particularly habitual chewing, which may include fingernail biting or chewing on pens.


As a native Texan, Gregory Wright, DDS, opened his private practice in Southlake, TX in 1992. He and Dr. Victoria Heron are happily accepting new patients from Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Trophy Club, Colleyville, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.