Can You Correct Misalignment In Four Months?

By Wright Smiles

Teeth that crowd or overlap can impact your smile’s appearance and also lead to a greater risk of serious oral health complications. Fortunately, we have a unique orthodontics treatment that can correct misalignment in as little as three to four months.

Frequently Asked Questions About Correcting Misalignment

Question: How does Realine Work?

Answer: Created by the same company responsible for Invisalign, this treatment also uses clear plastic aligners. With traditional braces, metal brackets and wires are employed to reposition the teeth. Fortunately, we can provide a barely visible and more comfortable alternative with Realine. While Invisalign addresses more serious cases of misalignment, this is designed for more minor cases.

Question: Can they be removed?

Answer: Yes! You can remove the aligners before meals. As a result, you won’t need to change how you eat and avoid certain foods, as is the case with metal braces. Removable aligners also mean that caring for your smile, including brushing and flossing teeth, is significantly easier.

Question: How often do I wear them?

Answer: To see optimal results you need to wear them daily for between 20 and 23 hours. You can remove them for meals, brushing and flossing, and for special occasions, but make sure you’re wearing them a minimum of 20 hours per day. If you wear as we prescribe, you can see a new smile in as little as three to four months.

Question: What issues can misalignment lead to?

Answer: Misalignment can make brushing and flossing your teeth difficult, and in addition, provide hiding places for food particles. Soon, you can have a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The pressure on the jaw joints can increase the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism. As you can see, correcting misalignment does more than just boost your smile’s appearance, but also improves overall oral health as well.

Do You Have Questions About Realine?

Our team can help you achieve a more even smile using a series of clear plastic aligners. Schedule an appointment today. Contact us at our local Southlake, TX office at 817-481-7999.