Bruxism Treatment Solutions

By Wright Smiles

Dealing with bruxism is a complicated, often frustrating issue. First, you may not realize you are suffering from this dental disorder until you visit us. You see, bruxism is a habit that occurs when you grind your teeth together or clench your teeth. You may do this in your sleep or perform the habit without even realizing it during the day. We may recognize signs (like eroded tooth tissue) or you may mention discomfort that tips us off. Whatever your level of severity, it is important that we track your issue during six-month dental checkups, so we may offer appropriate bruxism treatment according to your needs. Ready to find out more about the treatment we may offer to improve your smile? Consider the following:

Minor Issues?

If you’re suffering from extremely mild issues, we may not suggest immediate treatment. Perhaps you are someone who has been going through a stressful time. Or, maybe you are aware that you perform this habit and have been working on avoiding tensing up your jaws or grinding. However, we will keep a very close watch on your teeth and will offer bruxism treatment if it appears damage may occur.

Serious Bruxism?

Are you suffering from chronic bruxism that is damaging your teeth or threatening to cause damage? The result of daily grinding and clenching may include serious problems, including stressed jaw joints (which may lead to TMJ disorder), worn tooth surfaces, extremely sensitive teeth, and even problems like breaks and fractures. We may suggest you wear an oral splint to protect your teeth – this is simply a comfortable mouth guard that will cushion your bite while you sleep at night, preventing contact between upper teeth and lower teeth.

Consider Stress Relief, Too

Bruxism often occurs in part due to stress. Patients frequently grind or clench as an unconscious way of dealing with anxiety. If this is the case, consider seeking out ways of relieving your daily stress. Whether you change your daily schedule or begin incorporating something stress relieving like yoga or exercise, this may help.


As a native Texan, Gregory Wright, DDS, opened his private practice in Southlake, TX in 1992. He and Dr. Victoria Heron are happily accepting new patients from Southlake, Grapevine, Keller, Trophy Club, Colleyville, and all surrounding communities. To learn more, call our office today at (817) 481-7999.