Bruxism Side Effects

By Wright Smiles

If you’re someone suffering from bruxism then you have been diagnosed with daily habitual teeth clenching or grinding. Since you may not even realize you are performing this act, the consequences of the problem may elude you. This is one of the reasons we feel strongly about receiving bruxism treatment if you need it – the sooner you protect your teeth, the better your long-term protection against serious side effects. Not sure what those symptoms and consequences may include? Learn a bit more about them for a clearer perspective regarding how bruxism may impact your life.

Daily Discomfort

You know from eating food or biting something open that the force of your jaws is quite immense. Now imagine that you’re using that force to grind your teeth back and forth or to clench your teeth. Rather than exerting that pressure on something else, your teeth and supportive structures are bearing that load. The result is often stress and strain that results in exhausted muscles, daily headaches, sensitive teeth, and more.

TMJ Disorder

About all of that pressure – your jaw joints are constructed to bear significant shock absorption but no more than is required of your daily functions like speaking and eating. Too much daily tension and strain may lead to poorly functioning jaw joints – a problem we call TMJ disorder. When you ignore your need for bruxism treatment, this may lead to serious damage.

Serious Physical Damage

Daily grinding as a result of bruxism may lead to eroded tooth surfaces, which can make for difficult chewing and contribute to heightened sensitivity. Or, by neglecting your need for bruxism treatment, you may find that your teeth crack or break.