Are You Using The Right Products To Protect Your Smile?

By Wright Smiles

Does your choice of toothbrush or toothpaste really matter when it comes to maintaining your oral health? While you can find beneficial items at your typical grocery store or pharmacy, you can benefit from changing up your purchases, and your purchasing schedule. By doing so, you can have an easier time removing plaque and food debris every time you clean your teeth, so you are less likely to need a dental filling after your next routine dental checkup! At our Southlake, TX dentist’s office, we can help you identify positive changes to make if you want to provide better care to your smile. Because we are able to take care of adults while also providing important pediatric dental services, we can make sure your entire family enjoys terrific oral health care with tips and in-office support!

It May Be Time To Let Go Of Your Current Toothbrush

While your toothbrush may have been effective when you purchased it, time and friction from repeated brushing may have made it less useful. Typically, a toothbrush should be replaced after three months of use, but if you think the bristles look worn before that day, you should move forward with finding a replacement. Doing so ensures that you continue to enjoy proper support as you try to clean bacteria and food particles from every area of your smile.

Make Sure You Always Have Floss, And An ADA-Approved Toothpaste

Your toothbrush is certainly a crucial tool, but keep in mind it is not the only one you should rely on. You should have floss available for use at your home, and when you travel, in order to consistently protect the spaces between your teeth. You should also pay attention to the toothpaste you use. While many brands can be useful, it is important to verify that the product you use contains fluoride.

Make Sure Your Kitchen Is Stocked With Smile-Friendly Items, Too!

On a typical trip to the grocery store, you make purchases that can affect the health of your smile even when you have no need for items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, or mouthwash. If you want to keep your smile in good health, you should think about how the drinks, meals, and snacks you enjoy affect you. Cutting back on sugary treats, flavored beverages, and acidic items can help everyone in your family do a better job avoiding tooth decay over time.

Our Southlake, TX Dentist’s Office Is Proud To Help Patients Protect Their Teeth

At our Southlake, TX dentists’ office, patients can count on our support in the office, but they can also rely on us to provide tips on better oral care practices at home. If you are concerned about past cavity troubles, or if you want to make sure your teeth remain healthy, please call our office today at (817) 481-7999.