3 Benefits Of Crowns

By Wright Smiles

When you think about the benefits of dental crowns, do you immediately begin thinking about the ways a crown may repair your tooth, the reasons you might receive one, or otherwise? If so, we invite you to think of crowns in a new light by considering some addition advantages. For instance, are you unsure about crowns because you aren’t sure how they will look in your mouth or how long they will last? Allow us to alleviate your concerns, so you feel good about the future of your oral health.

Benefit #1: They Are Durable

Are you elated that we offer a way to repair your extremely damaged tooth but the idea of visiting us again in the future to take care of the same problem worries you? Nothing to be concerned about here – dental crowns are crafted out of sturdy materials that we select carefully based on the strength you require. As a result, you can expect a crown to last several years (often over 10 or 20 years).

Benefit #2: Crowns Are Custom Designed

We don’t simply reach for a universally shaped crown to place over your tooth. A major benefit of dental crowns is that they are completely customized in color and fit. Your smile will become improved in health (we will restore your damaged tooth), while you regain the esthetic value of your previously marred tooth.

Benefit #3: Care Is Simple

You don’t need to do anything special for your dental crown to keep it in excellent condition. We will advise you to continue practicing dental hygiene that is suggested for your natural smile, which will promote a crown that lasts (and healthy tissue surrounding it). Brush your smile twice a day. Floss your smile once a day. This is all it takes.